I need to be spending more time with the Lord who had the biggest role in my recovery. It seems like I get everything back and I forget about God and just go on about my life not giving Him the glory. I am, by far not Religious yet I love Jesus and desire a walk with him in my day to day life, but its a constant struggle to not vear off on the wrong path. By wrong path I do not mean drugs...I simply mean not leading a lifestyle that will produce spiritual fruit.
I think it would help to spend time with HIM in Devoations daily. To not hop on the computer first thing when I wake up, but rather curl up on the couch for a few moments with God and I think I found a good way to start.
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As always I need to learn how to take links and turn them into clickable words
for example if i could say click *here* for the info you could click on the *here* and get to the site.
Great...now go to Melissa's site and check it out.
Great I will check it out thanks for entering my Giveaway!